Join SIM!
Auditions are currently closed, but check back in September for more details
Who can join SIM?
All low/male-range singers at Middlebury College can audition for SIM.
How can I join SIM?
Auditioning in front of the group during our day of auditions is how you get in. You'll need to prepare a minute-long solo of any song of your choice, preferably performing a verse and chorus. Make sure the song displays your range and talents well; other than that, song choice is completely up to you!
You will also need to come prepared to sing scales, match pitch, and do some warm-ups with us.
Why should I join SIM?
Just because!
Jk, we actually have a lot of fun. Getting to sing each week with a group of great guys is awesome, as all of our past and present members would attest. All of our arrangements are made in-house, and each year we vote on new additions to our repertoire. We believe our passionate and fun arrangements are some of our best assets, and it's all because we actually enjoy making and singing them. Acappella can often get dramatic/cheesy, and has a reputation for as much, but we avoid that by having our goals just be having fun and making great music. If you don't believe us yet, please check us out on YouTube and Spotify. We have some truly fantastic albums and performances out there that back up our every word.
Wow, I definitely want to join now. When/Where?
Auditions are held once in the fall semester, once in the spring semester, following Jambo. Email us below for more details!